
Who is eligible to enter the SO|ME Awards?

The SO|ME Awards are for brands, agencies and individuals who have executed creative and impactful social media campaigns across. The SO|ME Awards recognize excellence in social media across numerous marketing categories – whether your campaign was part of a larger integrated marketing effort, is part of a collaboration, or is channel/event-specific. For more information about the SO|ME categories, click here.

When are the submission deadlines for the SO|ME Awards?

2Early-bird entries close on December 31, 2021. The cost for early-bird submission is $129.

General entry to the SO|ME Awards open on January 1, 2022 and close on June 30, 2022. The cost for general submission is $259.

Late entry to the SO|ME Awards open on July 1, 2022. The cost for late submission is $389.

For what date range must social media campaigns have been executed to be eligible for the 2020 SO|ME Awards?

The social media campaign that you submit for the 2020 SO|ME Awards must have been executed, at least in part, during the dates January 1, 2020 to March 1, 2021.

What are the key components to a successful SO|ME submission?

We highly suggest building a case study for your submission, which can be submitted into the official entry form via URL or pdf.

Case studies should include: the goal of the campaign; quantifiable and qualifiable results; the brands and individuals involved; the metrics that were used to measure success; the creative process; and any other relevant information.

Examples of quantifiable results include: reach; direct ecommerce revenue; number of new partnerships that resulted from the effort; earned media; aggregate readership; engagements; event attendees; and other metrics relevant to the effort.

Examples of qualifiable results include: strengthened brand or positioning; company goodwill; the types and meaning of new partnership opportunities; leveragability of the effort for business development; etc.

How do I know which category to submit to?

There’s a list of category descriptions here. You can also feel free to reach out to our team via email at [email protected], and a submission coordinator will be in touch to best position your campaign(s).

Payment information

What Payment Methods Are Accepted?

We gladly accept Visa, MasterCard and American Express. If your card has been issued outside the U.S. or Canada, please note that your order may need additional verification before it can be processed. Unfortunately, we cannot accept COD orders and all orders must be paid in full once submitted online.

Having trouble with your entry or have an order error?

We do our best to make it easy to submit your entry online by providing multiple ways to upload or input information. If you have trouble, submitted to the wrong category, request a refund, or need any other general help, please reach out to our team at [email protected].

What Do You Do With My Information?

We use your info to fulfil your order accurately and quickly and to improve your shopping experience. We respect your privacy and never share this information with anyone, except in connection with your order. 

Any unanswered questions? Email [email protected]
